E093 – Mixed Reality Report 2024 with Gabriele Romagnoli / Aurea Award Recap
In this Episode the Thomas² talk with Gabriele Romagnoli about his lately published Mixed Reality Report. The XR Expert took a laborious challenge: Find and categorize XR Apps mainly at the Quest Store which are Mixed Reality. But what does that even mean? Gabriele decided to be rather rigorous with the categories instead of shotgunning all the categories on one app. We talk about the results of the report as well as what that means for the state of the industry.
About the report
The report analyzes 400+ mixed reality (MR) apps, primarily from the Meta Quest store, to understand ecosystem evolution and user preferences. It finds a near 50/50 split between gaming and non-gaming MR apps, though gaming titles receive more ratings and higher average ratings. While action, puzzle, and sports are popular gaming categories, fitness and productivity dominate the non-gaming space, with many non-gaming apps still considered tech demos. Gabriele suggests MR development has been slow due to technical challenges, a small user base, and the difficulty of creating compelling MR experiences. The report concludes with a look at AI-integrated apps and co-located experiences, and Gabriele plans to continue tracking the MR app landscape.